First, sorry for the color change... This thing was being so weird & wont show it properly for me =(
Day 21: Favorite Character to See
Hmmm.... I GOT IT!!!!!!
Every time I meet this character I am beaming with happiness, bouncing up and down when I'm in line, and I most definitely can't stop smiling, it's like I am like a little kid in line waiting to meet a character for the first time. Now this character is VERY special to me. They remind me of my amazing childhood and my successes in many different things, specifically in music. Let me introduce....
(yes I am doing one of those things you'd usually see in the "wish" section of chain mail hahahaha)
He reminds me of all the classic Disney shows I would watch as a kid, the beautiful Fantasia, I think he even inspired me a little bit to be field commander in High School (not the actual inspiration, but something unconsciously in the back of my mind since I was amazed with his conducting as a kid) and when my sorority won overall best performance for Spring Sing, when I was the spring sing director, one of my best friends at the time got me a beautiful Sorcerer Mickey "trophy" for the win.
Mickey's love for music definitely was a part of my love too since that is what I grew up with. Thank you Mickey Mouse for the love for music and for everything else that you have taught me especially the facts that dreams really can come true! =)
(I'm so cheesy... haha see what I did there... Cheesy. Mickey Mouse... Please laugh at that haha)