So the super bowl is tomorrow whoo hoo (that was sarcasm btw) The only reason why I'd watch it is for A) the commercials B) the Glee episode right after & C) I'll have no choice. My dad only set up one comcast/xfinity cable box out of the 3 TV's in the house. He's too lazy to set up the others hahaha So anyways, I'm suppose to root for the Steelers, but they annoy me & they beat my Jets so screw them. haha & I know nothing about the Green Bay Packers so I decided that I'm not gonna root for anyone. I'm not really a fan of NFL anyways, I'm a college ball girl. So no Black & Yellow for me.
Now Purple & Gold, is more of what I'm looking for... Those two are not only my favorite colors in the entire world, they're the main colors for the Disney College Program. Today makes it day 14 (8:30pm is exactly 2 weeks) since my phone interview. haha! I'm super anxious and I was hoping to hear a response this past week, but my interviewer said 3-4 weeks, but a lot of people already heard after just a week from their interview. I interviewed 2 days after the interviews were being scheduled so I was hopeful for an early response. Maybe monday or by the end of this coming week? ::crosses fingers::
Anyways, I did get some good news today, which was much needed after a full day of a nasty migraine. ha! I found out that my bad ass camera, which I hope is as bad ass as it seems, will be delivered on Tuesday. YAY!!!! I'm liking that sound of that! So lets hope that the good news keeps rolling in and I'll hear from Disney next week. And not just any new, I'd really like to hear good news.
Alright, I really should stop being on social media & do my homework. I'll be back tomorrow. XoXo!
☮ & ♥