You're probably thinking "Why a HM (Hannah Montana) song for the name of this blog??" Well the reason is, is because of my blogs new make over ... I made the header be of different silly pictures of me (if you can't tell) so you can kind of see the other side(s) of me ya know? lol Yeaaa I know I'm weird lol
So I was planning on going to bed early tonight, but that's obviously isn't happening. I was busy working on my blogs makeover, trying to breathe cause my back is hurting so bad, & I'm trying not to stress out about my dads surgery. ::sigh::
A dear friend wrote to me (after I told him that I missed him) and it was great to hear back from him! He's the one who helped me confirm the fact that I want to do non-profit work for life (especially for organizations about child slavery). Sounds crazy I know, but he did help me a lot. Anyways my point is that it was great hearing back from him & he is having surgery the same day as my dad so I'm like "ahhhh! two people I care about are having surgery both on the same day!?!?!" I hope that both the surgeries are Very successful!
Okay so I found out a cool thing this past week. I found out that 2 people from Team Jonas (the official fanclub) are doing the DCP/DCSP (Disney College Program/Disney Career Start Program) I think it's awesome! I'm glad I'm not the only college kid who loves the JoBros & will be at Disney =) I haven't really chatted with one of the girls, but Casey (one of the other TJ/Disney peeps) seems to be pretty cool! Thumbs Up For Casey (LOL & Casey you're probably the only one who knows what I'm referring too w/that hehe!)
Anywho... My eyelids are slowing closing and i'm constantly yawning so I think thats a sign that I need to go to bed.
Sweet Dreams Everyone!!
Song: The Other Side Of Me - Hannah Montana
i love you already. and i haven't even met you.
thank you teamjonas and disney!
you're awesome. and i'm praying for your dad and your family.
thumbs up for rj!